Creating a trusting relationship with your horse

We will help you to create a bond of trust with your horse. This will help you to improve your horse's manners, to help with his basic training and to overcome remedial issues that have become a problem for you.

Using a philosophy based on Monty Roberts' language Equus and an understanding of the world from the horse's point of view (from evolution to psychology & physiology), we will help you to see things the way your horse does - you will be amazed how everything seems to just click into place when you understand where your horse is coming from!

From understanding what you are actually saying to your horse (often this is quite different to what you think you are saying) to reading his responses and learning to anticipate his behaviour, we hope to enrich your day to day experiences in the equestrian world.

Some of our stories of success...


7 year old, gelding
Generally spooky chap

"Before moving to Low Meadows my horse Aragon was easily stressed and insecure, leaving him unattended and tied to a tie ring was a reciepe for disaster, he would also panic if left in his stable or field without any company be it horse or human. Since arriving at Low Meadows around 5 months ago Aragon is now a different horse, the yard and stabling have a calm and happy atmosphere which in turn has transformed Aragon into a pleasure to be around, he is now calm and independent and can be left alone without incedent, the excellent facilities and the owners commitment to running the yard make Low Meadows a place I would highly recommend." Katherine, Owner


7 year old, gelding
Feet handling, backing & starting

When I first met Grace just over a year ago, I realised I had taken on a challenge with a young mare with lots of attitude who’d spent the first 2 years of her life in a field with little human contact or handling. Although she had a sweet nature, she was an absolute demon for the first few months after I bought her.

Although I’d begun to build a trusting relationship with Grace, she did not trust me enough when it came to working with her feet, so I turned to Lucy to ask if she could help. However, it quickly became apparent that there was so much basic work to do with her before we could even tackle her feet! I am a big fan of Monty Roberts, the ‘horse whisperer’ and I’d seen his work before, but I was amazed and absolutely delighted at the progress Grace made as Lucy worked her magic with her, using the horse language Monty Roberts promotes. At all times, Lucy has made the learning fun, has worked at the horse and owner’s pace and has always been very positive.

Grace is in the process of being backed, but she clearly is an intelligent and quick learner and I believe, with Lucy’s continued guidance and teaching, Grace has a lot of potential. I still have to remind myself that Grace is only 3 years old because her manners are wonderful and she is rarely fazed by anything these days! I think it would have been a different story if it hadn’t been for Lucy! Thank you so much!!"   Vanessa, Owner


8 year old, mare
Leading, general manners & clipping

"Henrietta used to be quite naughty when being led, dragging me to any grass she fancied. She wouldn't stand still in the stable while having her rugs changed and would go straight for her hay.

Since moving to Low Meadows in September and having just one session with Lucy to learn the basic training using the Dually Halter, Henny is so much better behaved. Even with her normal halter shes doesn't drag me anymore. Lucy used the same technique when she clipped Henny, with lots of patience and skill she fully clipped her without using the twitch that had to be used last year. I was very impressed and look forward to learning more from Lucy in the future." Mary, Owner


5 year old, mare

"When we got Megan she was terrified of clippers, we couldn't even hold them near her when they were switched off! She had been clipped in the past, but we believe she had been sedated to do this. Lucy spent time building Megan's trust and desensitising her to the clippers so that she was no longer afraid of them. Megan now has a lovely blanket clip and even stood snoozing whilst she had her tickly tummy clipped! She's like a different pony." Diane, Owner


5 year old, mare

"I have owned Cally since February 2011. I bought her as a very green 4 year old and initially had her on a full livery yard where she did not settle. I moved her to Low Meadows, along with my 23 year old mare, in July and they both settled in straight away. So much so I couldn't catch Cally for 11 days. Lucy was very supportive and helped me to develop a strong bond with her. She taught me a variety of techniques including utilising join up sessions. Cally now walks to me in the field (fingers crossed) every day, even if she has only been out for a few hours. Even my vet has commented on how much calmer she is since the move, as well as looking very healthy and happy." Anna, Owner


5 year old, gelding
Ridden Lessons

"It’s hard to put into words ‘what I get from lessons with Lucy’ but a few of those words would be ‘fun, confidence, pride, pleasure and experience’. My lessons have been informative and correct. It hasn’t always easy, but never a tear in sight. It has been hard work but extremely worthwhile. The ability to communicate, dedication and enthusiasm Lucy shows is exceptional. One of the best things being the way Lucy can turn technicalities into an easy understanding language, which even my parents can understand. I can not believe the progress week by week in both my horse and my own riding. The only disappointment I have is when my lesson finishes and I have to wait a week for my next one." Christie, Owner

© Low Meadows Equestrian Centre Ltd 2022 Company Number 07414508 Registered in England and Wales